This is a detailed changelog for the specified release above.

◾ Support for Materials as Wallpapers

Server owners can now specify materials for their interface background. By default, this script uses a DHTML panel to load wallpapers from external websites. The issue with this is that it can sometimes make the interface take a second or two longer to actually load.

By using materials; it can make load times significantly less; however, this requires the server owner to upload the desired materials to a Steam Workshop collection and call the image within the config:

cfg.bg.material.enabled     = true
cfg.bg.material.list        =
cfg.bg.material.clr         = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 )

If you decide to enable material wallpapers; it is HIGHLY recommended that you disable the other wallpaper settings for loading external images; otherwise load-times will be equally as bad:

cfg.bg.static.enabled     = false
cfg.bg.live.enabled       = false

In order to create a Steam Workshop collection; you must utilize a tool such as GMPU (Garry's Mod Publishing Utility) which can be downloaded here:

◾ Removed sh_init.lua

This file is no longer needed. If you delete your addons completely prior to updating, then you should not need to do anything. However, if you overwrite your existing files; then you will need to delete this file manually.

◾ Updated Font Library

Migrated font library to new system. Nothing should be changed on the server owner's end.

◾ Optimizations

Several aspects have been updated for better load times.

◾ Updated Documentation

Several pages have been updated with better structuring so that steps are easier to follow. Also added more information related to certain steps.

◾ Updated ServerGuard permissions

ServerGuard permissions are now more easily identifiable with new names.

Last updated