
This config file controls the general settings of this addon

◾ cfg.lang

default language script will use. see list of available languages in linx\lua\modules\linx\lang

You must translate your own languages if the desired language is not available.

◾ cfg.initialize.esc_enabled

will act as an escape menu which will force it to appear when a player presses the ESC key.

◾ cfg.initialize.motd_enabled

will act as an MOTD (message of the day) system; which forces the interface to display for a player when they first connect to the server.

◾ cfg.initialize.precache

interface will be opened for the player automatically in the background when they first connect to the server. this helps load the interface and then hide itself while they're still connecting so that all panels and assets can be loaded for future use.

this helps with the interface being faster and more responsive when the player actually presses the key to open it.

◾ cfg.general.network_name

text to display in upper-left side of interface

◾ cfg.general.margin_left

amount of padding to use on the left side of the entire interface.

◾ cfg.general.margin_top

amount of padding to use on the top of the entire interface.

Last updated